The program essentially revolves around whether you can use a Big Integer implementation or not.
Many programming languages natively support Big Integer types, which greatly influences the implementation difficulty depending on the language.
The task is straightforward: compute \(2^{1000}\), and then sum all the digits of the resulting number.
For instance, if you use Python, this problem can be solved quite effortlessly.
>>> 2**1000
In languages like Python, Java, or C#, BigInteger is readily available, and in Python, integers automatically convert to arbitrary-precision integers without needing any special imports, making it easy to compute the desired result.
For C/C++, however, you would need to rely on a third-party Big Integer library or write one yourself.
I had an old Big Integer library that I wrote a long time ago, but I hadn’t worked on it for years. This challenge inspired me to dust it off and implement this functionality.
Regardless of which Big Integer implementation you use, the logic of the program should remain largely the same.
Here’s an example of how you can solve this problem in Python:
# Calculate 2^1000
result = 2**1000
# Sum the digits of the result
digit_sum = sum(int(digit) for digit in str(result))
This implementation efficiently computes the solution using Python’s built-in capabilities.
Here’s a source code that I wrote to solve this problem in C++:
// Project Euler #16 - Power Digit Sum
// - by Aubrey Choi
// - created at 2015-01-13
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "isprime.h"
#include "NxBigInt.h"
void solve1()
NxBigInt c = 1;
c <<= 1000;
uint8_t buf[1024];
int k = c.ConvertToArray(buf, 1024);
int sum = 0;
for( int i = 0 ; i < k ; i++ )
sum += buf[i];
printf("Ans = %d\n", sum);
int main()
clock_t t;
t = clock();
printf("Elapsed time is %.3f seconds \n", (float)(clock() - t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
return 0;
Some people calculate \(2^{1000}\) by multiplying 2 a thousand times, but using a 1000-bit shift operation is more efficient. Of course, if the Big Integer library you are using doesn’t support such operations, there isn’t much choice.
The ConvertToArray function converts a Big Integer into an array, storing it in a specified radix (with the default radix being 10 in this case). Typically, the number would be converted into a string, but in this case, an approach that is more convenient for calculations was chosen.
// File: NxBigInt.h
// Author: Aubrey Choi
// Date: 2009.03.23.
// Update:
// - 2014.04.07. Update to 32bit-64bit operation.
#ifndef _NXBIGINT_H_
#define _NXBIGINT_H_
#include <iostream>
#include <stdint.h>
class NxBigInt;
/// @brief Big integer class.
class NxBigInt
/// @brief Constructor from C integer;
/// @param value [IN] C integer number
NxBigInt(int value = 0);
/// @brief Copy constructor.
/// @param value [IN] big integer number
NxBigInt(const NxBigInt &value);
/// @brief Constructor from string.
/// @param value [IN] number string
NxBigInt(const char *value);
/// @brief Constructor from string.
/// @param pszNumberString [IN] number string
NxBigInt(const wchar_t *value);
/// @brief Destructor.
/// @brief Add big number and integer number.
/// @param value [IN] second parameter to add
/// @return Return the Result of big number and integer number.
NxBigInt operator+(int value) const;
/// @brief Add two big numbers.
/// @param value [IN] second parameter to add
/// @return Return the sum of two big numbers.
NxBigInt operator+(const NxBigInt &value) const;
/// @brief Add big number and integer number.
/// @param first [IN] first parameter to add
/// @param second [IN] second parameter to add
/// @return Return the Result of big number and integer number.
/// @note Integer number cannot exceed unsigned short range
friend NxBigInt operator+(int first, const NxBigInt &second);
/// @brief Minus sign.
/// @return Return negative big integer.
NxBigInt operator-() const;
/// @brief Subtract big number and integer number.
/// @param value [IN] second parameter to subtract
/// @return Return the result big number.
NxBigInt operator-(int value) const;
/// @brief Subtract big number from big number.
/// @param value [IN] second parameter to subtract
/// @return Return the result big number.
NxBigInt operator-(const NxBigInt &value) const;
/// @brief Subtract big number from int number.
/// @param first [IN] first parameter
/// @param second [IN] second parameter to subtract
/// @return Return the result big number.
friend NxBigInt operator-(int first, const NxBigInt &second);
/// @brief Multiply big number and integer number.
/// @param value [IN] second parameter to multiply
/// @return Return the result of multiplying big number and integer number.
NxBigInt operator*(int value) const;
/// @brief Multiply big number and integer number.
/// @param value [IN] second parameter to multiply
/// @return Return the result of multiplying big number and integer number.
NxBigInt operator*(uint32_t value) const;
/// @brief Multiply big number and integer number.
/// @param value [IN] Second parameter to multiply
/// @return Return the result of multiplying big number and integer number.
NxBigInt operator*(const NxBigInt &value) const;
// @brief Multiply big number and integer number.
/// @param first [IN] first parameter
/// @param second [IN] second parameter
// @return Return the result of multiplying big number and integer number.
friend NxBigInt operator*(int first, const NxBigInt &second);
// @brief Divide big number and integer number
// @param value [IN] second parameter to divide
// @return Return the Result of big number and integer number.
NxBigInt operator/(int value) const;
// @brief Divide big number and integer number
// @param value [IN] second parameter to divide
// @return Return the Result of big number and integer number.
NxBigInt operator/(const NxBigInt &value) const;
// @brief Modular big number and integer number
// @param value [IN] second parameter to divide
// @return Return the result of modula big number.
int operator%(int value) const;
/// @brief Shift operator.
/// @param value [IN] shift value
/// @return Return big integer shifted by value.
NxBigInt operator<<(int value) const;
/// @brief Shift operator.
/// @param value [IN] shift value
/// @return Return big integer shifted by value.
NxBigInt operator>>(int value) const;
/// @brief Assign big number with integer number
/// @param value [IN] Integer number to assign
/// @return Return NxBigInt object.
NxBigInt &operator=(int value);
/// @brief Assign big number with integer number
/// @param value [IN] Integer number to assign
/// @return Return NxBigInt object.
NxBigInt &operator=(int64_t value);
/// @brief Assign big number with big integer.
/// @param value [IN] value to assign
/// @return Return NxBigInt result.
NxBigInt &operator=(const NxBigInt &value);
/// @brief Assign big number with string number
/// @brief value [IN] String number to assign
/// @return Return NxBigInt object.
NxBigInt &operator=(const char *value);
/// @brief Assign big number with string number
/// @brief value [IN] String number to assign
/// @return Return NxBigInt object.
NxBigInt &operator=(const wchar_t *value);
/// @brief Add big number with integer number
/// @param value [IN] value to be added
/// @return Return added result.
NxBigInt &operator+=(int value);
/// @brief Add big number with big integer.
/// @param value [IN] value to be added
/// @return Return added result.
NxBigInt &operator+=(const NxBigInt &value);
/// @brief Multiply big number with integer number.
/// @param value [IN] value to be multiplied
/// @return Return multiplied result.
NxBigInt &operator*=(int value);
/// @brief Multiply big number with big integer.
/// @param value [IN] value to be multiplied
/// @return Return multiplied result.
NxBigInt &operator*=(const NxBigInt &value);
/// @brief Divide big number with integer number.
/// @param value [IN] value to be devided
/// @return Return devided result.
NxBigInt &operator/=(int value);
/// @brief Divide big number with big integer.
/// @param value [IN] value to be devided
/// @return Return devided result.
NxBigInt &operator/=(const NxBigInt &value);
/// @brief Modula big number with big integer.
/// @param value [IN] value to be devided
/// @return Return modula result.
NxBigInt &operator%=(int value);
/// @brief Modula big number with big integer.
/// @param value [IN] value to be devided
/// @return Return modula result.
NxBigInt &operator%=(const NxBigInt &value);
/// @brief Shift big number with integer.
/// @param value [IN] value to be shifted.
/// @return Return result big integer.
NxBigInt &operator<<=(int value);
/// @brief Shift big number with integer.
/// @param value [IN] value to be shifted.
/// @return Return result big integer.
NxBigInt &operator>>=(int value);
/// @brief Type cast (bool).
operator bool() const;
/// @brief Compare ==
/// @param value [IN] value to be compared
/// @return Return true if equal, otherwise, return false.
bool operator==(const NxBigInt &value);
/// @brief Compare <
/// @param value [IN] value to be compared
/// @return Return true if equal, otherwise, return false.
bool operator<(const NxBigInt &value);
/// @brief Compare >
/// @param value [IN] value to be compared
/// @return Return true if equal, otherwise, return false.
bool operator>(const NxBigInt &value);
/// @brief Divide and store remains.
/// @param divisor [IN] divider
/// @param residue [OUT] remain number
/// @return Return this object.
/// @note Big integer object will be changed after this function is called.
NxBigInt &DivideAndStoreRemain(int divisor, int *residue);
/// @brief Streaming out big integer number.
/// @param output [IN] output stream
/// @param number [IN] big integer number
/// @return Return output stream
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &output, const NxBigInt &number);
/// @brief Convert from string.
/// @param string [IN] number string
/// @param radix [IN] radix
void ConvertFromString(const char *string, int radix = 10);
/// @brief Convert from string.
/// @param string [IN] number string
/// @param radix [IN] radix
void ConvertFromString(const wchar_t *string, int radix = 10);
/// @brief Convert to string.
/// @param output [OUT] output buffer
/// @param size [IN] output max buffer size
/// @param radix [IN] radix
int ConvertToString(char *output, int size, int radix = 10) const;
/// @brief Convert to string.
/// @param output [OUT] output buffer
/// @param size [IN] output max buffer size
/// @param radix [IN] radix
int ConvertToString(wchar_t *output, int size, int radix = 10) const;
/// @brief Convert to Array.
/// @param output [OUT] output buffer
/// @param size [IN] output max buffer size
/// @param radix [IN] radix
int ConvertToArray(uint8_t *output, int size, int radix = 10) const;
/// @brief Convert to Array. (Little endian version)
/// @param output [OUT] output buffer
/// @param size [IN] output max buffer size
/// @param radix [IN] radix
int ConvertToArrayLE(uint8_t *output, int size, int radix = 10) const;
static const NxBigInt Zero;
static const NxBigInt One;
static const NxBigInt Undefined;
/// @brief Get the order of value by 2.
/// @param value [IN] value
/// @return Return the order of value by 2.
int GetOrder2(int value);
/// @brief Add value.
/// @param value [IN] value
void AddTo(int value);
/// @brief Add value.
/// @param value [IN] value
void AddTo(const NxBigInt &value);
/// @brief Subtract value.
/// @param value [IN] value
void SubtractTo(int value);
/// @brief Subtract value.
/// @param value [IN] value
void SubtractTo(const NxBigInt &value);
/// @brief Multiply value.
/// @param value [IN] value
void MultiplyTo(int value);
/// @brief Multiply value.
/// @param value [IN] value
void MultiplyTo(uint32_t value);
/// @brief Multiply value.
/// @param value [IN] value
void MultiplyTo(const NxBigInt &value);
/// @brief Divide value.
/// @param value [IN] value
void DivideTo(int value);
/// @brief Divide value.
/// @param value [IN] value
void DivideTo(const NxBigInt &value);
/// @brief Modula value.
/// @param value [IN] value
void ModulaTo(int value);
/// @brief Modula value.
/// @param value [IN] value
void ModulaTo(const NxBigInt &value);
/// @brief Shift value.
/// @param value [IN] value
void ShiftToLeft(int value);
/// @brief Shift value.
/// @param value [IN] value
void ShiftToRight(int value);
bool m_bNegative; //< Negative of positive
int m_nLen; //< Length of integers' array
int m_nSize; //< allocation size
uint32_t *m_pnData; //< integers' array
// File: NxBigInt.cpp
// Author: Aubrey Choi
// Date: 2009.03.23.
// Update:
#include "NxBigInt.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define ALLOCSIZE 4
const NxBigInt NxBigInt::Zero = 0;
const NxBigInt NxBigInt::One = 1;
const NxBigInt NxBigInt::Undefined;
NxBigInt::NxBigInt(int value)
if( value < 0 ) { m_bNegative = true; value = -value; }
else { m_bNegative = false; }
m_nLen = 1;
m_nSize = ALLOCSIZE;
m_pnData = new uint32_t[m_nSize];
m_pnData[0] = value;
assert(m_nLen <= m_nSize);
NxBigInt::NxBigInt(const NxBigInt &value)
m_bNegative = value.m_bNegative;
m_nLen = value.m_nLen;
m_nSize = value.m_nSize;
m_pnData = new uint32_t[m_nSize];
memcpy(m_pnData, value.m_pnData, m_nLen*sizeof(uint32_t));
assert(m_nLen <= m_nSize);
NxBigInt::NxBigInt(const char *value)
m_nLen = 1;
m_nSize = ALLOCSIZE;
m_pnData = new uint32_t[m_nSize];
assert(m_nLen <= m_nSize);
NxBigInt::NxBigInt(const wchar_t *value)
m_nLen = 1;
m_nSize = ALLOCSIZE;
m_pnData = new uint32_t[m_nSize];
assert(m_nLen <= m_nSize);
if( m_pnData != 0 )
delete[] m_pnData;
NxBigInt NxBigInt::operator+(int value) const
NxBigInt out(*this);
return out;
NxBigInt NxBigInt::operator+(const NxBigInt &value) const
NxBigInt out(*this);
return out;
NxBigInt operator+(int first, const NxBigInt &second)
return second + first;
NxBigInt NxBigInt::operator-() const
NxBigInt out(*this);
out.m_bNegative = !out.m_bNegative;
return out;
NxBigInt NxBigInt::operator-(int value) const
NxBigInt out(*this);
return out;
NxBigInt NxBigInt::operator-(const NxBigInt &value) const
NxBigInt out(*this);
return out;
NxBigInt operator-(int first, const NxBigInt &second)
NxBigInt out(first);
return out;
NxBigInt NxBigInt::operator*(int value) const
NxBigInt out(*this);
return out;
NxBigInt NxBigInt::operator*(uint32_t value) const
NxBigInt out(*this);
return out;
NxBigInt NxBigInt::operator*(const NxBigInt &value) const
NxBigInt out(*this);
return out;
NxBigInt operator*(int first, const NxBigInt &second)
return second * first;
NxBigInt NxBigInt::operator/(int value) const
NxBigInt out(*this);
return out;
NxBigInt NxBigInt::operator/(const NxBigInt &value) const
NxBigInt out(*this);
return out;
int NxBigInt::operator%(int value) const
if( value < 0 ) { value = -value; }
uint64_t r = 0;
for( int i = m_nLen-1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
r <<= 32;
r |= m_pnData[i];
r %= value;
return (int)r&0x7fffffff;
NxBigInt NxBigInt::operator<<(int value) const
NxBigInt out = *this;
return out;
NxBigInt NxBigInt::operator>>(int value) const
NxBigInt out = *this;
return out;
NxBigInt &NxBigInt::operator=(int value)
if( value < 0 ) { m_bNegative = true; value = -value; } else { m_bNegative = false; }
m_nLen = 1;
m_pnData[0] = value;
return *this;
NxBigInt &NxBigInt::operator=(int64_t value)
if( value < 0 ) { m_bNegative = true; value = -value; } else { m_bNegative = false; }
m_pnData[0] = value & 0xffffffff;
m_pnData[1] = value >> 32;
m_nLen = m_pnData[1]?2:1;
return *this;
NxBigInt &NxBigInt::operator=(const NxBigInt &value)
if( m_nSize < value.m_nLen )
m_nSize = ((value.m_nLen+ALLOCSIZE-1)/ALLOCSIZE)*ALLOCSIZE;
delete[] m_pnData;
m_pnData = new uint32_t[m_nSize];
m_bNegative = value.m_bNegative;
m_nLen = value.m_nLen;
memcpy(m_pnData, value.m_pnData, m_nLen*sizeof(uint32_t));
assert(m_nLen <= m_nSize);
return *this;
NxBigInt &NxBigInt::operator=(const char *value)
return *this;
NxBigInt &NxBigInt::operator=(const wchar_t *value)
return *this;
NxBigInt &NxBigInt::operator+=(int value)
return *this;
NxBigInt &NxBigInt::operator+=(const NxBigInt &value)
return *this;
NxBigInt &NxBigInt::operator*=(int value)
return *this;
NxBigInt &NxBigInt::operator*=(const NxBigInt &value)
return *this;
NxBigInt &NxBigInt::operator/=(int value)
return *this;
NxBigInt &NxBigInt::operator/=(const NxBigInt &value)
return *this;
NxBigInt &NxBigInt::operator%=(int value)
return *this;
NxBigInt &NxBigInt::operator<<=(int value)
return *this;
NxBigInt &NxBigInt::operator>>=(int value)
return *this;
NxBigInt::operator bool() const
return !(m_nLen <= 1 && m_pnData[0] == 0);
bool NxBigInt::operator==(const NxBigInt &value)
if( m_nLen != value.m_nLen ) return false;
if( m_bNegative != value.m_bNegative ) return false;
return memcmp(m_pnData, value.m_pnData, m_nLen*sizeof(uint32_t)) == 0;
bool NxBigInt::operator<(const NxBigInt &value)
if( m_bNegative && !value.m_bNegative ) return true;
if( !m_bNegative && value.m_bNegative ) return false;
if( m_nLen < value.m_nLen ) return !m_bNegative;
else if( m_nLen > value.m_nLen ) return m_bNegative;
for( int i = m_nLen-1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
if( m_pnData[i] < value.m_pnData[i] ) return !m_bNegative;
else if( m_pnData[i] > value.m_pnData[i] ) return m_bNegative;
return false;
bool NxBigInt::operator>(const NxBigInt &value)
if( m_bNegative && !value.m_bNegative ) return false;
if( !m_bNegative && value.m_bNegative ) return true;
if( m_nLen < value.m_nLen ) return m_bNegative;
else if( m_nLen > value.m_nLen ) return !m_bNegative;
for( int i = m_nLen-1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
if( m_pnData[i] < value.m_pnData[i] ) return m_bNegative;
else if( m_pnData[i] > value.m_pnData[i] ) return !m_bNegative;
return false;
NxBigInt &NxBigInt::DivideAndStoreRemain(int divisor, int *residue)
if( divisor <= 0 ) return *this;
uint64_t n = 0, q;
bool flag = true;
int maxlen = m_nLen;
for( int i = m_nLen-1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
n <<= 32;
n |= m_pnData[i];
q = n/divisor;
m_pnData[i] = q;
n %= divisor;
if( flag && q == 0 ) maxlen = i; else flag = false;
*residue = n;
m_nLen = maxlen >= 1?maxlen:1;
return *this;
std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &output, const NxBigInt &number)
char buf[2048];
number.ConvertToString(buf, 2048);
output << buf;
return output;
void NxBigInt::ConvertFromString(const char *string, int radix)
m_pnData[0] = 0;
m_nLen = 1;
while( *string )
int c = *string++ - '0';
void NxBigInt::ConvertFromString(const wchar_t *string, int radix)
m_pnData[0] = 0;
m_nLen = 1;
while( *string )
int c = *string++ - '0';
int NxBigInt::ConvertToString(char *output, int size, int radix) const
NxBigInt t = *this;
if( t.m_nLen == 1 && t.m_pnData[0] == 0 )
output[0] = '0';
output[1] = 0;
return 1;
int k = 0;
while( t && k < size )
int c;
t.DivideAndStoreRemain(radix, &c);
*(output+k++) = c+'0';
for( int i = 0 ; i < k/2 ; i++ )
int c = *(output+i);
*(output+i) = *(output+k-i-1);
*(output+k-i-1) = c;
if( k < size ) *(output+k) = 0;
return k;
int NxBigInt::ConvertToString(wchar_t *output, int size, int radix) const
NxBigInt t = *this;
if( t.m_nLen == 1 && t.m_pnData[0] == 0 )
output[0] = '0';
output[1] = 0;
return 1;
int k = 0;
while( t && k < size )
int c;
t.DivideAndStoreRemain(radix, &c);
*(output+k++) = c+'0';
for( int i = 0 ; i < k/2 ; i++ )
int c = *(output+i);
*(output+i) = *(output+k-i-1);
*(output+k-i-1) = c;
if( k < size ) *(output+k) = 0;
return k;
int NxBigInt::ConvertToArray(uint8_t *output, int size, int radix) const
NxBigInt t = *this;
if( t.m_nLen == 1 && t.m_pnData[0] == 0 )
output[0] = 0;
return 1;
int k = 0;
while( t && k < size )
int c;
t.DivideAndStoreRemain(radix, &c);
*(output+k++) = c;
for( int i = 0 ; i < k/2 ; i++ )
int c = *(output+i);
*(output+i) = *(output+k-i-1);
*(output+k-i-1) = c;
return k;
int NxBigInt::ConvertToArrayLE(uint8_t *output, int size, int radix) const
NxBigInt t = *this;
if( t.m_nLen == 1 && t.m_pnData[0] == 0 )
output[0] = 0;
return 1;
int k = 0;
while( t && k < size )
int c;
t.DivideAndStoreRemain(radix, &c);
*(output+k++) = c;
return k;
int NxBigInt::GetOrder2(int value)
return (int)(0x100000000/value);
void NxBigInt::AddTo(int value)
int64_t out = value;
for( int i = 0 ; i < m_nLen && out ; i++ )
out += m_pnData[i];
m_pnData[i] = out;
out >>= 32;
if( out == 0 ) return;
if( m_nLen == m_nSize )
m_nSize = m_nSize+ALLOCSIZE;
uint32_t *newData = new uint32_t[m_nSize];
memcpy(newData, m_pnData, m_nLen*sizeof(uint32_t));
delete[] m_pnData;
m_pnData = newData;
m_pnData[m_nLen++] = out;
assert(m_nLen <= m_nSize);
void NxBigInt::AddTo(const NxBigInt &value)
if( m_nSize < value.m_nLen+1 )
m_nSize = ((value.m_nLen+ALLOCSIZE)/ALLOCSIZE) * ALLOCSIZE;
uint32_t *newData = new uint32_t[m_nSize];
memcpy(newData, m_pnData, m_nLen*sizeof(uint32_t));
delete[] m_pnData;
m_pnData = newData;
uint64_t c = 0;
int i = 0;
while( i < m_nLen && i < value.m_nLen )
c += m_pnData[i];
c += value.m_pnData[i];
m_pnData[i++] = c;
c >>= 32;
while( i < m_nLen )
c += m_pnData[i];
m_pnData[i++] = c;
c >>= 32;
while( i < value.m_nLen )
c += value.m_pnData[i];
m_pnData[i++] = c;
c >>= 32;
m_nLen = i;
if( c ) m_pnData[m_nLen++] = c;
assert( m_nLen <= m_nSize );
void NxBigInt::SubtractTo(int value)
void NxBigInt::SubtractTo(const NxBigInt &value)
void NxBigInt::MultiplyTo(int value)
if( value < 0 ) { m_bNegative = !m_bNegative; value = -value; }
uint64_t r = 0;
for( int i = 0 ; i < m_nLen ; i++ )
r = (uint64_t)m_pnData[i]*value + r;
m_pnData[i] = r;
r >>= 32;
if( r == 0 ) return;
if( m_nLen == m_nSize )
m_nSize += ALLOCSIZE;
uint32_t *newData = new uint32_t[m_nSize];
memcpy(newData, m_pnData, m_nLen*sizeof(uint32_t));
delete[] m_pnData;
m_pnData = newData;
m_pnData[m_nLen++] = r;
assert(m_nLen <= m_nSize);
void NxBigInt::MultiplyTo(uint32_t value)
uint64_t r = 0;
for( int i = 0 ; i < m_nLen ; i++ )
r = (uint64_t)m_pnData[i]*value + r;
m_pnData[i] = r;
r >>= 32;
if( r == 0 ) return;
if( m_nLen == m_nSize )
m_nSize += ALLOCSIZE;
uint32_t *newData = new uint32_t[m_nSize];
memcpy(newData, m_pnData, m_nLen*sizeof(uint32_t));
delete[] m_pnData;
m_pnData = newData;
m_pnData[m_nLen++] = r;
assert(m_nLen <= m_nSize);
void NxBigInt::MultiplyTo(const NxBigInt &value)
if( value.m_bNegative ) m_bNegative = !m_bNegative;
NxBigInt src = *this;
m_nLen = 0;
for( int i = 0 ; i < value.m_nLen ; i++ )
*this <<= 32;
*this += src*value.m_pnData[i];
void NxBigInt::DivideTo(int value)
if( value < 0 ) { m_bNegative = !m_bNegative; value = -value; }
uint64_t r = 0;
for( int i = m_nLen-1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
r <<= 32;
r |= m_pnData[i];
m_pnData[i] = r/value;
r %= value;
while( m_nLen > 1 && m_pnData[m_nLen-1] == 0 ) m_nLen--;
void NxBigInt::DivideTo(const NxBigInt &value)
void NxBigInt::ModulaTo(int value)
if( value < 0 ) { m_bNegative = !m_bNegative; value = -value; }
uint64_t r = 0;
for( int i = m_nLen-1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
r <<= 32;
r %= value;
m_pnData[0] = r;
m_nLen = 1;
void NxBigInt::ModulaTo(const NxBigInt &value)
void NxBigInt::ShiftToLeft(int value)
int c = m_nLen*32;
for( int i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i++ )
if( m_pnData[m_nLen-1] & (1<<(31-i)) ) { c-=i; break; }
int t = c + value;
if( t > m_nSize*32 )
m_nSize = (t+31)/(32*ALLOCSIZE)*ALLOCSIZE;
uint32_t *newData = new uint32_t[m_nSize];
memcpy(newData, m_pnData, m_nLen*sizeof(uint32_t));
delete[] m_pnData;
m_pnData = newData;
int n = value/32;
int r = value%32;
int64_t u = m_pnData[m_nLen-1];
if( u>>(32-r) ) m_pnData[n+m_nLen] = u>>(32-r);
u <<= r;
for( int i = m_nLen-2 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
u |= m_pnData[i];
m_pnData[n+i+1] = u>>(32-r);
u <<= r;
m_nLen = (t+31)/32;
m_pnData[n] = u;
while( n > 0 ) m_pnData[--n] = 0;
assert(m_nLen <= m_nSize);
void NxBigInt::ShiftToRight(int value)
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